Featured HBCU Faculty

Dr. Kimberly D. Erwin

Associate Dean – Student Success & English Education College of Education, North Carolina A&T University

 Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

 M.S. Elementary Education, North Carolina A&T State University

 B.S. Early Childhood and Elementary Education, North Carolina A&T State University

Dr. Erwin’s research focuses on African American males at the elementary level and the preparation of teacher-leaders who aspire to transform education by utilizing research-based pedagogical practices that meet the needs of diverse students. As such, her research is grounded in the scholarship of Funds of Knowledge and its dimensions: 1) learning environment, 2) P-12 student learning/school experiences, 3) knowledge construction (student), 4) knowledge construction (teacher), and 5) social/academic integration. This research examines instructional approaches that optimize the growth and development of P-12 students. Learn More.

[email protected]