Black Thriving in America 2023

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Black and White Americans are Thriving Equally Overall, but Differ on Key Metrics of Wellbeing

The Payne Center for Social Justice and Gallup release Black American Social Justice Dashboard, new tool for measuring social justice metrics

Dr. N. Joyce Payne Center for Social Justice of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and Gallup released a new report today, Black Thriving in America: 2023. This report is based on nationally representative data from a survey of over 10,000 U.S. adults, which assessed Black life experiences in the U.S. Findings are condensed into the Black American Social Justice Dashboard, one of the first tools of its kind designed to annually measure key social justice metrics. The report finds that while Black and White Americans are thriving equally overall, there are deeper disparities in their everyday life experiences.

All Americans are in the same social, economic, political and racial storm, but some citizens are in yachts and others in canoes.  Our goal is to use the Black American Social Justice Dashboard as a vital tool to monitor Black American progress toward social justice.

- M.C. Brown II, Executive Director and Research Scientist for the Payne Center.